What Causes a Power Surge?
- Written by NewsServices.com

When you think of a power surge, you might imagine lightning hitting a transformer or a bolt of lighting zapping your home. However, power surges are actually much more common than that. Power surges can happen in your home or business anytime there is an increase in voltage in a brief period of time.
This article will explain everything you need to know about power surges, including what they are, why they happen, and how to protect your home and appliances.
What is a Power Surge
A power surge happens when there is an unusual increase in voltage that occurs in a short period of time. This can result from many different causes, including weather conditions, equipment failure, or even animals.
A power surge can also occur when you try to use too many appliances at once, resulting in a sudden increase in the amount of electricity being used. This is different from a power outage, which occurs when there’s a complete loss of voltage in an area.
Causes of Power Surges
There are several things that can cause a power surge. For example, when storms pass through a region, they often cause power surges to occur. This is because lightning can hit power lines, which then travels through the system to your house.
Poorly maintained equipment, such as transformers, circuit breakers, or wiring that is not maintained properly, can also cause a power surge. Finally, if there is faulty wiring or a loose connection, the electricity can arc and cause a short circuit. This can also cause a power surge to travel through the system.
Signs of Power Surges
If you notice that your lights flicker or your appliances have tripped the breakers, you may have had a power surge. You can also use a voltage tester that you plug into an outlet. If the tester lights up, then again, you may have a power surge in the home.
When a power surge happens, it is important to know how to respond. First, unplug any sensitive appliances, such as computers or TVs, from the wall. Next, if you see sparks or smell burning, immediately turn off the power at the circuit breaker, and contact both an electrician and your local fire department for assistance.
Protection and Prevention
There are a few ways that you can protect your home from power surges. One way is to install surge protectors. These surge protectors act as a barrier between your home’s electrical system and appliances like your computer or TV.
They help prevent damage to your appliances by diverting the excess electricity away from your home’s system and back into the grid. You can also install a whole-home surge protector that protects every outlet in your home.
Power surges are a common occurrence during stormy weather. They can also happen due to equipment failures, human interference, or even an increase in the amount of electricity being used.
Power surges can cause damage to your home, your appliances, and even your health. Fortunately, surge protectors are inexpensive and offer a good amount of power surge protection.