Business Telegraph

Find a Tradie

TPG + Place Match launch element

  • Written by Rebecca Munro

Perth’s largest urban planning firm has embarked on a new era, repositioning itself with a fresh direction and new name of element – responding to ever changing directions in community, market and policy drivers in WA.


The company is also building on its strong planning baseline and next generation leadership, following the departure of founding Chairman David Caddy, who will assume the role of Chairperson of the WA Planning Commission later this month.


In addition to planning, element offers an integrated suite of engagement, heritage, place and design specialists who have been creating some of WA’s most famous places for more than 30 years.


Tony Paduano Managing Director of element said, “The community’s desires have changed and continue to change, so too has technology and element is positioning itself to evolve with these changes,” he said.


“New trends are shaping the way we live, work, how we eat and how we get places, and element’s new direction understands this. Liveable and memorable communities are created with this knowledge and element has a strong track record of leading and responding to this through pioneering projects like Subi Centro and Scarborough Beach.


“It’s no longer about planning for a building or site by site, people want unique destinations and precincts, and the challenge ahead is bringing this into the mix particularly around planning reform and programs like Metronet.


“element positions itself around art and science in one place. When it comes to creating a place you need to consider both the technical reality of the rules and regulations but also the creative design, investment attraction and community interaction that makes it liveable long term,” Mr Paduano said.