Meet new neighbors
- Written by News Company

Yourself Visible
You have new neighbors and you’re not sure what they will be like. While you don’t know make yourself visible to your new neighbors so that they can see who you are. Take the time to be in your front yard so they can see you and give your new neighbors the possibility of approaching you to say hello. You might like to make a delicious ice cream sandwich cake to say hello and make friends. Remember a new neighborhood is an opportunity to make yourself known in the local stores and all around.
Pull the Pet Card
Pet owners have it easy to make friends with new neighbors because pet owners are always friendly folks. Usually dog owners are among the friendliest and are always curious to get to know the person holding the leash. Always be polite and get to know your neighbor’s name and their dog’s name. In this way you can strike up a conversation and find out about the local dog parks and the best vet to register your furry family member with. It is no surprise that pet owners become the best of friends.
Be a Sharer
It is always a great idea to begin sharing or borrowing things from your neighbor. In this way when you have the need of something or you need help with something you know you can turn to your neighbor for a helping hand. They in turn will be glad to know they can count on you in times of trouble. So the next time you make a pig pickin cake bring some over to your neighbor’s and share it with them. Always do the right thing and when you borrow something from your neighbor make sure to return it and they will do the same for you when they borrow. Keep in mind that sharing does not always mean sharing things you can also share thoughts and ideas with your neighbor about your houses, property, garden, and such.
Throw a Party
One of the best ways to meet neighbors is to throw a party. Make sure to extend the invitation to all of your neighbors on the block so that no one feels left out. You can choose to make a BBQ or perhaps invite them for pot luck so that everyone can bring a dish and you can get to know each other by sharing different kinds of foods. Make your neighbors a delicious key lime cake and find out what cakes and foods they like best.