Understanding the Average Water Bills in Wollongong
- Written by NewsServices.com

If you're wondering how much you can expect to pay for your water bill in Wollongong, then you've come to the right place. In this brief guide, we will explain the three main components of your water bill, we'll go over the average water bill in the area, and we'll also offer some tips on how you can save some money by reducing your water consumption.
Water Cost Components
There are three things that contribute to your water bill in Wollongong.
First and foremost, if you have a water supply in your house, you need to pay a fixed amount each quarter. However, the unit price can rise dramatically if the water levels in the dams fall below 60%. This mechanism is in place to control the drought situation.
You also need to pay a consumption charge per kilolitre of water used in your home. This is calculated based on your household’s average water usage. The idea is that the more water you use, the higher the quarterly amount is.
The final component of your bill is for wastewater and sewerage services. This is a fixed charge attached to everyone’s water bill in Wollongong.
Average Water Costs
In the Wollongong area, you'll pay approximately $12.35 per quarter for metered water and $2.38 per kilolitre for consumption charges. However, it's worth noting that when dam levels are below 60%, the unit price increases to $3.22 per kilolitre. You'll have to pay this rate until the water levels are back over 70%.
Additionally, you need to pay $138.64 per quarter for wastewater service. So, based on average usage, for 2021-2022, the average quarterly water bill in Wollongong is around $270 for non-drought conditions and $312 during times of drought.
Tips for Reducing Your Bills
The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to reduce your water bill; here are three tips that will help:
Fix leaks!
Leaks can waste thousands of gallons of water each year, so make sure to check all the faucets and pipes in your home. Remember that most leaks aren't visible, so you may need to use a special tool like a water meter to check for them.
Install low-flow fixtures!
These fixtures use less water than traditional ones, so they'll help you save money on your monthly bill. Just remember that some older homes might not be able to accommodate them—so if you're unsure whether yours can handle low-flow fixtures, it's best to consult with a professional plumber before making any changes.
3. Take shorter showers
Taking shorter showers doesn't just save water; it can also save energy! Running hot water accounts for a significant percentage of an average home's energy usage, so even if you don't have a leaky faucet or toilet, keeping your shower time under five minutes can save you a lot of money over the course of a year.
All things considered, the cost of water in Wollongong can be expensive or inexpensive, depending on your habits. However, if you follow the tips contained in this article, you'll be able to save a significant amount of money every three months.