Business Telegraph


5 Undeniable Advantages Of A Successful SEO Campaign

One of the biggest frustrations for any SEO specialist is trying to convince someone of the value of what they do – particularly when they are absolutely convinced otherwise.

Just like anything in life, where there is money to be made, there are inequitable con-artists lining up to take advantage.

As such, many business owners have been ‘stung by SEO’ in the past and simply refuse to believe that it can be any different with someone else.

This is both infuriating and upsetting in equal parts, especially when you are in discussion with a potential business you know you can help massively and achieve great things with.

That being said, it’s also why any SEO specialist will tell you that the best thing about their job is indeed when they do sign up a new client and help them transform their business significantly with exceptional results.

Swings and roundabouts.

In any case, this article is going to highlight 5 undeniable advantages of a successful SEO campaign.

This is what can happen when you do find a reputable SEO agency and get it done right!

1 – It improves every aspect of your business

Here’s the thing: the key to a successful SEO campaign often requires a lot of work.

The best SEO agency will challenge you to upgrade everything.

  • - Your website will likely need improving.

  • - Your copy, refining.

  • - You’ll need consistent citations across all platforms.

  • - Your branding will have to be consistent with a clear voice.

  • - You will be encouraged to track and leverage more DATA.

The list goes on. In fact, any decent SEO specialist will invariably create a lot of work, but as the saying goes: “Pain is beauty”, and if you want a dazzling online presence, you’re going to need to be disciplined.

2 – You can start converting more clicks into customers

Successful SEO isn’t just about getting more people to your website, but converting those clicks into customers. When executed properly, you can drastically increase your business’s revenue.

3 – You can give certain products and/or services a boost

Let’s say you own a ski resort in Australia. By using the power of SEO and quality content creation, you can increase your revenue by educating your audience. For example, did you know that there are many people in the world who have no idea that there is snow in Australia? That’s a lot of potential business.

Similarly, your bricks and mortar store might get plenty of business, but what about the online store you recently started? SEO can help you take your products to a far wider audience!

4 – Boost your credibility

The higher you rank on Google, generally speaking, the more trustworthy you will appear to you prospective customers.

Provided you can uphold your end of the bargain and deliver the quality goods and services that you promise, you can boost your credibility tenfold!

5 – It compliments your other marketing efforts

When your SEO is on point and you are working with a reputable agency who knows exactly what they are doing, it can complement all of your other marketing efforts as well.

  • - Your social media marketing will improve.

  • - Your PPC campaigns will blow up.

  • - Your local SEO presence will be solid.

The longer you work on it, the more it will refine the other aspects.

For example:

  • - When you write a banging blog post that outperforms your competitors, you can break the information down into several Tweets;

  • - And using those Tweets, you can link back to your blog post;

  • - A blog post that has a link to your YouTube channel;

  • - Which sums up the valuable information in a different medium;

  • - And on and on it goes…

Flow. Connectivity. Synergy. These are all valuable buzzwords in SEO!

Final thoughts

These are just a handful of the ways in which your business can benefit from a successful SEO campaign. There’s so much more that can be achieved:

  • - It gives you an advantage over your competitors.

  • - You can reach (and thus help) more people.

  • - You get quantifiable results.

  • - Your ROI will soon surpass your monthly investment.

  • - Your user engagement will improve.

As you can see, there’s no limit to what you can achieve with a well-optimised SEO campaign. In fact, you can even take the pressure off your customer service team.

How? By creating tonnes of FAQ content that answers the most relevant questions, thus helping your audience to find all of the information they need before picking up the phone.

The best part? You don’t need to be in the same city (or country for that matter) as your SEO. If you are in Perth, you can instead find a reputable SEO in Sydney to help you. Just be sure to do your research, ask for case studies, and make sure that the agency you finally settle on has plenty of proof to back up their bold claims (because apparently every SEO agency in the world is “an industry leader”).