America Travel Trips for Foreigners
- Written by News Company

Heading to USA? Are you prepared for the trip? If you think packing your bags, booking pricey tickets and getting Esta USA Visa is all the preparation you need, then think again. Because this is not enough, you need to educate yourself with basic etiquettes and in manners of speech and conduct as well. Although America is a free spirited and diverse country with multi ethnicities, it still requires foreign travellers to be careful in their conduct to save yourself from embarrassing or dreadful situations. In this article, we will delve into some of the dos and don’ts of travelling in the grand country of limitless opportunities; The United States Of America.
Tipping for Service
Tipping for good service is a tradition in USA. When you will be travelling in America surely you will be dining out or eating in your hotel, be sure to tip your waiters and servers as it is considered very rude and harsh and people easily get offended if you do not. Primarily because in most cases tips amount to a large percentage of the waiter’s salary.
Smokers Should Be Cautious
Certain states in America have strict policies and regulations against smoking, so do not assume you can some anywhere and everywhere. It is better to double check before lighting up your cigarette to avoid unpleasant situations. Cities like New York, Chicago, Seattle, Washington, San Francisco and DC amongst many others prohibit from smoking indoors like bars, restaurants, clubs and malls. To be specific, almost 28 states and 60 cities have forbidden smoking indoor infrastructures.
Watch Your Mouth
Unlike popular TV shows, sitcoms and movies, Americans take their language of communication very seriously, they are very sensitive and therefore can be easily offended if you use American slang, abusive or derogatory terms in your speech. Greetings and asking about the well-being of someone is considered good manners and can cast a good impression about you. In a nutshell, you should be polite, cordial, kind and extremely cautious while speaking in America.
Follow the Imperial System
If you are unaware of the Imperial System, do not worry. It basically is the opposite of Metric System. Simply put, in America people use Fahrenheit instead of Celsius Degrees, miles instead kilometres, pounds in place of kilograms. Yup, this can be very difficult to get used to, but you need to make friends with the imperial system and kiss goodbye to the metric system, in order to navigate your way in USA.
Addressing woman
This is an eminently serious subject. If you are used to using slang word for talking to woman like babe or chick then this is for you. Refrain from addressing any woman with these slang words or any equivalent words in any language to be safe. You can simply address women with their respective names to avoid adverse repercussions.
Don’t indulge in Politics
Americans are strongly opinionated and extremely sensitive when it comes to topics related to politics, so delving into a discussion can lead to heated arguments and spoiling your time. It is best for you to avoid engaging into such conversations.