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How to clean up your SEO when you are wanting to shut down your business

  • Written by News Company

What people are more likely to be excited to talk about in this day and age is when they are starting projects, especially if they are creative ones. What they may be less likely to talk about is when they are ready to throw the towel in the ring and are super keen to shut up shop. SEO Shark can help you in any stage of your online presence and management. What people need to know is that shutting down a business, brand, or creative project is not a bad thing and is simply a part of life.

What people should focus on, however, when they are wanting to do this is cleaning up all of the things that they left behind. For those who have created content online, it is very likely that they will leave behind a digital paper trail. So for anyone out there who may be wanting to learn more about this topic, here is how to clean up your SEO when you are wanting to shut down your business for good.

You are able to clean up your SEO when you are wanting to shut down your business by using tools offered by Google

One of the great things about Google is that if offers lots of tools for those who are wanting to implement SEO methods. For most, they will be wanting to do the opposite and will be wanting to build their search engine optimisation and are able to learn more about this by exploring some of the tools that Google has to offer such as their free starter guide. For those who are looking to get rid of all of the places that they are featured on the internet, there are also some tools available for them.

For instance, people are able to use the removed outdated content feature which is helpful when a site still shows up in search engine results even though it is deleted. As there may be several different links that initially showed up in these results, there may be a few that people may need to manually request to move. Having said this, Google will usually do this on its own in time so if people aren’t in a rush then they can just leave it.

You are able to clean up your SEO when you are wanting to shut down your business by parking your domain name

What some people out there may not realise is that one of the biggest mistakes they can make is when they shut down their business and they just let their domain expire. People will usually do this because they will think that there would be no reason for someone else to take this domain especially as it was something that was so specific to them and their brand. What actually happens is that people sign up for wait lists and are notified about when a domain frees up and then will then take it and likely turn it into some kind of spam website.

The reason they do this is because the domain likely still has some traffic attached to it or it has the potential for people to still Google search the name of it which means there is still a chance that their spam site will get clicks. Thankfully, all of this can easily be avoided when people put aside a little bit of time to clean up their SEO and when they instead opt to park their domain name rather than let it go entirely so that nobody else is able to pinch it.