Business Telegraph


Top SEO Mistakes You Can Make

  • Written by News Co

When it comes to SEO, there are many things that you need to know. You can do things the right way or you can do things the wrong way. If you do not have the knowledge needed to develop and advertise your webpage, you should consider hiring an expert to take care of the work for you. There are many mistakes that you can make, and we have covered off the top ones in this article.

You Are Not Researching Keywords with a Tool

A keyword research tool is an important item that people use to do research into keywords. Keyword research tools do the heavy lifting and show you what people are searching for. If you can utilize many of these popular keywords by incorporating them into your content, then it makes the content that you post more relevant to people who are using your page and the search engines will be able to understand it too. If you do not research keywords, then you are simply guessing at what your audience might be interested in.

According to SellerMetrics, developer of Amazon automation software, not monitoring your performance periodically is another common mistake a lot of business managers are guilty of. But how can you monitor and assess your SEO performance if you're not using any tools?

You Do Not Consistently Publish Content

Whether you plan to publish new content every day, every second day, weekly or bi-weekly, the most important aspect of publishing content is that you do it consistently. You should decide on a publishing schedule and stay with it as closely as you can. Those who publish consistently are tapping into a valuable SEO aspect and increasing their traffic.

You Do Not Have an Active Presence on Social Media

One of the most effective ways that you can promote your content and your website is through social media. Not being active on at least one platform is a major mistake. Social signals continue to gain a hold as a factor in the ranking of your website and it also provides a solid source of traffic to your site. Choose a social media platform where you can post content to your audience and work on building trust and authority by following the most popular experts in your niche and sharing the most useful and informative content that they provide.

You Post Low Quality Content

Your main goal is to build a relationship with the users of your website by getting them to trust you. You also want to become an authority recognized by the search engines. The best way to build your authority and trust is to publish content that is of the best possible quality you can provide. Never concentrate on keywords by stuffing them into content, instead, put your focus on pumping out top-quality content that attracts readers and has them wanting more. The benefits of top-quality content are much more measured than trying to increase your rank with voluminous poor-quality content. Top-quality content is useful to your users, unbiased, accurate and insightful.

You Do Not Follow Best Practices for Internal Links

It is very important to add internal links in your web pages for several reasons. First, it aids your page users in finding more content that interests them. Second, internal links indicate to search engines that a page is important to your site. Lastly, internal links help the search engines to explore more pages of your site. Most webmasters do not create internal links because they are unaware of their value and feel it is a waste of time, but that is a serious error. Internal links should assist visitors and search engines alike to properly navigate your website. There are many key rules around internal linking including not using phrases such as “click here”. It is a good goal to have between 2 and 10 internal links for each page of content, but the number of links is dependent on the length of the content. For ideas on inner-link and how to tie content together properly, check out this agencies best practises here:

Your Website Loads Too Slowly

If your page loads too slowly, it will affect your page rank. Ignoring the fact that it loads slowly is also a mistake. A faster page brings more traffic and increases page views (and sales). A slow-loading website drives people away because they lose interest and go to a different website (possibly your competitor) that loads more quickly. If your website loads too slowly, you should have it investigated as quickly as possible by a developer or a professional to take care of the issue. A starting point is to analyze your website with a free application such as Google Page Speed Insights and work through their guidelines to rectify your page issues.

You Do Not Promote Blog Posts on Your Site

So, you have written what you think is noteworthy and shareable content, yet people are not taking notice. Why? You must attract a sizeable audience over time which is comprised of hundreds of email subscribers and thousands of followers on social media. No one is going to promote your content, so you should not be shy about sharing it on social media and through your email list. Initially, you need to put in a lot of hard work to create good content and consistently promote it. Once your users start to share your content things start to become a lot easier. There are many ways to promote your posts including using ads, linking it to older posts with internal linking and writing guests posts.

Your Incoming Links are Being Built too Quickly

Your off-page SEO efforts will help with the promotion of your site and higher rankings. Building links too quickly will have a negative effect on your site. Anchor text links are never a good idea, they may draw penalties from Google. Links should not all be directed to your home page and you should not buy links or participate in any link schemes, whether free or paid.

Your Links are Low Quality

Basic SEO used to be the creation of a page, the addition of keyword-stuffed content, and incoming links added to the pages. While this method worked well in the past, it is not something that will build your page rank today. Google does not tolerate link building practices that do not provide any value between pages. Link building is not dead, but the quality of the links is more important than the quantity. All the content on your website needs to be of superior quality and created in a professional tone. Always be sure that your website content is something that you can take pride in and work on building a personal brand in social media. If you want to guest post on a popular website, one of the things that they will investigate is your social media profiles including your number of followers.

If you have no idea how to take care of your website’s SEO correctly, you should consider enlisting an experienced professional to help. You do not always get the opportunity to correct SEO mistakes because your site may be penalized before you can make changes that can help your rank.